.How to perform Salat Al-Asr
1. Make intention.
2. Stand up with the feet only slightly apart, facing towards the Kaaba.
3. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears facing the palms to the Qiblah(the Kaaba),say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down to your sides in a continuous motion.
4. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest, and stand in peace
5. Say silently A´udu Billahi Minashaytani Rajeem
6. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
7. Read surat al-Fatiha silently
8. Say Ameen silently
9. Recite surat Al Kawthar silently
(Or any other small sura,or some ayas from the Koran).
10. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down and at the same time go into the ruku.
11. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times,silently
12. Say Sami´a Allaho Liman Hamidah loudly While standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and at the same time raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and then move them down
13. Stand erect,then say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
14. Then say Allahu Akbar loudly and go into the sujud.
15. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
16. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time when you are raising your head from the sujud to a sitting position. Sit erect with straight back. Place the right hand on the right thigh and the left hand on the left thigh.
17. Say Rabbi Ghfir Li silently three times.
18. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time go again into the sujud.
19. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times.
20. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time stand up from the sujud to the standing position, raising both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears.
21. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest.
22. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.
23. Read surat Al-Fatiha silently.
24. Say Ameen silently.
25. Recite surat Al Ikhlas silently
(or any other small sura,or some ayas from the Koran).
26. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down and at the same time go into the ruku.
27. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times silently
28. Say Sami´a Allahu Liman Hamidah loudly while standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and at the same time raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and then move them down.
29. Say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
30. Say Allauo Akbar loudly and at the same time go into the sujud.
31. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
32. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time when you are raising from the sujud.
33. Say Rabbi Ghfir Li silently three times.
34. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and go again into the sujud.
35. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times.
36. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and go to the sitting position.
37. Sit erect with straight back. Place the right hand on the right thigh and the left hand on the left thigh, and close the right hand and point with the forefinger. At the same time say the tashahhud.
38. Say the first tashahhud silently, while sitting.
“A-Tahiyyaatu Lillaahi wa-salawaatu wa-tayyibaat. A-salaamu ‘alayka ayyuha Nabiyyu wa rahmatu-Lllaahi wa barakaatuhu. A-salaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘ala ‘ibaad-illaah a-saaliheen. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh”
39. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time stand up from the sujud to the standing position, raising both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears.
40. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest.
41. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.
42. Read surat Al-Fatiha silently.
43. Say Ameen silently.
44. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down and at the same time go into the ruku.
45. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times,silently
46. Say Sami´a Allahu Liman Hamidah loudly While standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and at the same time raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and then move them down.
47. Say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
48. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time go into the sujud.
49. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
50. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time when you are raising from the sujud.
51. Say Alahoma Ghfir Li silently three times.
52. Say Allaho Akbar loudly and go again into the sujud.
53. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times.
54. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time stand up from the sujud to the standing position, raising both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears.
55. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest.
56. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.
57. Read surat Al-Fatiha silently.
58. Say Ameen silently.
59. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down and at the same time go into the ruku.
60. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times,silently
61. Say Sami´a Allahu Liman Hamidah loudly While standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and at the same time raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and then move them down.
62. Say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
63. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time go into the sujud.
64. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
65. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time when you are raising from the sujud.
66. Say Alahoma Ghfir Li silently three times.
67. Say Allaho Akbar loudly and go again into the sujud.
68. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times.
69. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and go to the sitting position.
70. Sit erect with straight back,place the right hand on the right thigh and the left hand on the left thigh, and close the right hand and point with the forefinger. At the same time say the tashahhud.
71. Say the second tashahhud silently, while sitting.
“A-Tahiyyaatu Lillaahi wa-salawaatu wa-tayyibaat. A-salaamu ‘alayka ayyuha Nabiyyu wa rahmatu-Lllaahi wa barakaatuhu. A-salaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘ala ‘ibaad-illaah a-saaliheen. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh
Allaahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad kama salayta ‘ala Ibraaheem wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innaka hameedun majeed. Allaahumma baarik ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad kama baarakta ‘ala Ibraaheem wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innaka hameedun majeed”
72. Make taslim:turn your head first to the right and say loudly Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah then to the left and say loudly Assalamu Alaykom Wa Rahmatullah.
And here ends salat
. Step by step explanation with Koran and Hadith
The Koran says:
“You have indeed in the Prophet of God a good example for those of you who look to God and the Last Day, and remember God always”. (33:21)
-Narrated by Malik: The prophet (saw) states: "Perform salat as you see me performing salat" (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
1. Make intention
-Narrated by Omar bin Al-Khattab: “I heard The prophet saying, "The reward of deeds depend upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended." (Sahih Al- Bukhari)
-The hadeeth means there is no need to say it out loud, The sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was that he it would be made in the heart.
2. Stand up with the feet only slightly apart, facing towards The Kaaba.
The Koran says:
“We have seen you turn your face to the heavens. We shall turn you to a Qiblah that will please you. So turn towards the Holy Mosque, and turn towards it wherever you be. And those who are recipients of the Book surely know that this is the truth from their Lord; and God is not negligent of all that you do” (2-144)
3. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears facing the palms to the Qiblah(the Kaaba),Say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down to your sides in a continuous motion.
- Narrated by Wail Ibn Hujar “I saw at the beginning of salat the prophet (SAW) used to start his salat by saying Allaho Akbar and raise his hands up to the ears” (Sahih Muslim)
4. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest, and stand in peace.
- Narrated by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud: AbuUthman an-Nahdi said: “When Ibn Mas'ud prayed he placed his left hand on the right. The Prophet (SAW) saw him and placed his right hand on his left one”(Sunan Abu-Dawud.)
5. Say silently A´udu Billahi Minashaytani Rajeem.
The Koran says:
“When you read the Koran, seek Allah’s protection from Satan the rejected one”. (16:98)
Some hadiths say that during salat, it is prescribed that the Muslims should look at the place of sujud,but no hadith sahih mention that. But we have this ayas.
The Koran says:
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded:They who are during their salat humbly submissive”(23-1)
.What this aya really says is:”Those who make their salat with khushu”. The khushu is a mixture of submission, concentration, fear, devotion...So during salat, do not look here and there.And looking at the place of sujud from takbir till taslim is a good idea.It helps to be in khushu. And Allah knows best.
6. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
-The prophet (SAW) begins his salat with Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. (Maraky al Falah)
7. Read surat Al-Fatiha silently
-The Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever does not recite surat al-Fatiha in his salat, his salat is invalid”. (Sahih al Bukhari)
.Do not recite the Koran fast in salat: we must pause and take breaks while reciting the Koran during salat. One of the hadith emphasizes this issue:
-“The Prophet (SAW) used to pause after each aya of Surat al-Fatiha”. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
8. Say Ameen silently
-Abu Hurairah reported that the prophet(SAW) said: "When the Imam says Ghayril maghdoubi alyhim wa la dalin, all of you should say Ameen, because the angels say Ameen and the Imam says Ameen. And whosoever says Ameen and his voice blends with that of the angels he would be forgiven his sins." (Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Nisai)
9. Recite surat Al Kawthar silently
(or an other small sura,or some ayas from the Koran)
-Once prophet (SAW) read two shortest suras of the Koran in salat al-fajr. At the end of the salat companions asked, O prophet of Allah, why did you shorten the salat today? He replied, “I heard a child is crying, I guessed that the mother is reading salat with us. Therefore I shortened the salat in order to relieve the mother.” (Musnad Ahmad,Al-Bani)
10. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down at the same time go into the ruku.
-The prophet (SAW) made takbir every time he declined for ruku. (Sahih Muslim)
. Straighten your back parallel to the ground.
. Keep your head in line with your back
. Keep your legs straight, no bending at the knees.
. Place the hands on the knees and keep the fingers spread out.
11.Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times silently
- If the prophet (SAW) was in ruku he would straighten his back that if water was poured on his back it would remain. (Ibn Majah)
-The prophet (SAW) said, “If one performs ruku, he should say three times Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim, and this is the minimum” (Abu Dawud)
12. Say Sami´a Allahu Liman Hamidah loudly while standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and at the same time raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and then move them down.
13. Stand erect, then say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
-The prophet (SAW) used to say Sami´a Lahu liman Hamidah While standing up from ruku and after straightening his body he would say Rabbana wa Lakal Hamd. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Albani)
14. Say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down at the same time go into the sujud.
-The Prophet (SAW) recited Allahu Akbar for every incline and decline. (Sahih Muslim)
.First touch the ground with the knees and then put both hands, then place the forehead between the two hands. So, the forehead, the inside of the two hands (palms/fingers), the two knees, and the toes of the two feet, are in contact with the ground.
This position is called sujud.
-Narrated by Wael ibn Hujr “I saw the prophet touching the ground with his knees before his hands,during the sujud” (Hadith sahih)
-The prophet (SAW) placed his face between his hands when making sujud(Sahih Muslim)
15. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
-Abdullah ibn Masud reported that prophet (SAW) said, “When one of you make ruku, he should say three times Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim and when he make sujud, he should say Subhana Rabbi Al A’la. And this is the minimum. (Sunan Abu Dawud )
.Keep distances the abdomen from the thighs, elbows from the sides and arms off the ground.
-Ibn Abbas said,”I came to the prophet (SAW) from behind, I saw the whiteness of his armpits and he kept them far away from his sides and raised his stomach [from the ground].” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
16. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time raise your head from the sujud to a sitting position.
.While rising, push your body with your hands and sit straight.
. Lay down the left foot on its left side and sit on it. Place the right hand (palm/fingers) on the right thigh and the left hand (palm/fingers)on the left thigh.
17. Say Rabbi Ghfir Li silently three times
-“The prophet used to say Alahoma Ghfir Li,between the first sujud and the second”(Sahih muslim nisai,ibn maja)
18. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time go again into the sujud
19. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times
20. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time stand up from the sujud to the standing position, and raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears.
This is the end of the first rakaa.
21. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest.
22. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
23. Read surat Al-Fatiha silently
24. Say Ameen silently
25. Recite surat Al-Ikhlas silently
(Or an other small sura,or some ayas from the Koran).
26. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down at the same time go into the ruku.
27. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times silently
28. Say Sami´Allahu Liman Hamidah loudly .While standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and stand erect.
29. Say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
30. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time go into the sujud.
31. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
32. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time when you raise from the sujud.
33. Say Rabbi Ghfir Li silently three times
34. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and go again into the sujud.
35. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times.
36. Say Allaho Akbar loudly and go to the sitting position.
37. Sit erect with straight back. Place the right hand on the right thigh and the left hand on the left thigh, and close the right hand and point with the forefinger.
38. Say the first tashahhud silently, while sitting.
“A-Tahiyyaatu Lillaahi wa-salawaatu wa-tayyibaat. A-salaamu ‘alayka ayyuha Nabiyyu wa rahmatu-Lllaahi wa barakaatuhu. A-salaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘ala ‘ibaad-illaah a-saaliheen. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh”
-Abdullah b. Zubair narrated on the authority of his father that “when the Messenger of Allah (SAW) sat for. tashahhud he placed his right hand on his right thigh and his left hand on his left thigh, and pointed with his forefinger , and placed his thumb on his (milddle) finger, and covered his knee with the palm of his left hand.”.
(Sahih muslim)
About moving the index finger, there is no “sure”hadith. And Allah knows best.
39. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time stand up from the sujud to the standing position, raising both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears.
40. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest.
41. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.
42. Read surat Al-Fatiha silently.
43. Say Ameen silently.
44. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down and at the same time go into the ruku.
45. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times,silently
46. Say Sami´a Allahu Liman Hamidah loudly While standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and at the same time raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and then move them down.
47. Say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
48. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time go into the sujud.
49. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
50. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time when you are raising from the sujud.
51. Say Alahoma Ghfir Li silently three times.
52. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and go again into the sujud.
53. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times.
54. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time stand up from the sujud to the standing position, raising both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears.
55. Place the right hand upon the left on the chest.
56. Say silently Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.
57. Read surat Al-Fatiha silently.
58. Say Ameen silently.
59. Raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and say loudly Allahu Akbar, then move them down and at the same time go into the ruku.
60. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al Adim three times,silently
61. Say Sami´a Allahu Liman Hamidah loudly While standing up from the ruku to the standing position, and at the same time raise both hands above the shoulders, to the level of the ears and then move them down.
62. Say Rabbana Wa Lakal Hamd loudly.
63. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and at the same time go into the sujud.
64. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A’la silently three times.
65. Say Allahu Akbar loudly at the same time when you are raising from the sujud.
66. Say Alahoma Ghfir Li silently three times.
67. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and go again into the sujud.
68. Say Sobhana Rabbi Al A´la silently three times.
69. Say Allahu Akbar loudly and go to the sitting position.
70. Sit erect with straight back. Place the right hand on the right thigh and the left hand on the left thigh, and close the right hand and point with the forefinger. At the same time say the tashahhud.
71. Say the second tashahhud silently, while sitting.
“A-Tahiyyaatu Lillaahi wa-salawaatu wa-tayyibaat. A-salaamu ‘alayka ayyuha Nabiyyu wa rahmatu-Lllaahi wa barakaatuhu. A-salaamu ‘alaynaa wa ‘ala ‘ibaad-illaah a-saaliheen. Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh
Allaahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad kama salayta ‘ala Ibraaheem wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innaka hameedun majeed. Allaahumma baarik ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad kama baarakta ‘ala Ibraaheem wa ‘ala aali Ibraaheem, innaka hameedun majeed”
72. Make taslim:turn your head first to the right and say loudly Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah then to the left and say loudly Assalamu Alaykom Wa Rahmatullah.
-Amir b. Said reported:”I saw the Messenger of Allah (SAW) pronouncing taslim on his right and on his left till I saw the whiteness of his cheek”.(Sahih muslim)
This is the end of salat.