What is the Koran?
The Koran is one of the most influential books in the history of mankind. It is a set of words that Muslims live by. Words with powerful impact that drive one of the world's fastest growing religions, with more than a billion followers.
The Koran was revealed by God directly to the prophet Muhammad. It is not simply what God inspired to his prophet to say, or said history of some important event, is actually God´s own message.
The Koran is not a book of history, a scientific work, or a novel, but a universal book whose purpose is to guide human beings, regardless of time, place , circumstances, culture or any other condition.
It is a rulebook about how to live one's life, how to define one's morality and how to experience the world and the struggles in the context of the world brings about. The Koran helps to build up the components of the personality and the way of thinking.
The Koran was revealed in Arabic, but is not sent only for Arabic speaking people, the message is for all mankind.
It is open to all men and all women of all ages, regardless of their culture or education.
Using clear and understandable words, the Koran continually goes with warnings and messages, and the most repeated message is:
. Worship God and only one God
. A day of judgment would come when they would be consequences for the actions of everyone on earth.
The message is clear and powerful, but not a new one. The Koran made it clear that it is the same message that had been handed down in the previous scriptures.
For a better understanding of the Koran, requires a good understanding of the Arabic language. So any non Arabic speaking who wants to read the Koran must use a translation.
There are many translations of the meaning of the verses of the Koran, made from words written by man, who tried as best as possible, so that non Arabic speakers have access to the meaning of the message conveyed by the words of God and to help the understanding. So a translation of the Koran into another language is not considered a Koran.
Arabic is a very expressive language and has a very rich vocabulary. However, the fact that the Koran was revealed in Arabic, and was sent only to the Arabs and therefore are the chosen people , doesn´t agree with the message of the Koran. The Koran emphasizes the equality of all human beings, and that the only distinguishing criterion is the performance of good works and the degree of piety, no other criterion is valid.
The Koran is the only scripture that exists today, with their language and original words. No letters or words of the Koran have been modified. The Koran maintains its perfect consistency, without contradiction. It is exactly the same as that which was revealed 1400 years ago. It was transmitted primarily by oral tradition, based on a pedagogy of repetition and word by word memorization.. This is not surprising since the most general genres in Arabic literature are developed through oral tradition. So unlike other scriptures, the Koran is completely memorized by almost all Muslim scholars and hundreds of thousands of Muslims, generation after generation.
The Koran has a rhythm of peculiar beauty and a cadence that charms the ear. The choice of words used in the Koran is unique, both in language fluency and in the style effect. With a concise style marked by exaltation, and its brief words with powerful meaning and often rhymed, possess an immeasurable force and explosive energy expression that make it impossible to preserve with a literal or linear translation. Many Christian Arabs express their admiration for the Koran style, and most arabists recognize its excellence in style and unusual form of perfection. This demonstrates that there is no text that can be compared to the Koran.