The prophet never says he brought new religion. He simply said that he was a messenger bringing the same message which has been brought previously by many messengers and prophets.
The Koran speaks frequently to those who are firmly grounded in knowledge, who endowed with understanding, who are endowed with insight and those who possess knowledge.And repeat again and again verses finishing or ending like this:
.Have you no sense?
.Do you not use your reason?
.Will you not understand?
.Can you not then think?
.How can you not use your reason?
Over and over again, the Koran says,
Do not forget what happened to Abraham…, and it will tell a story about Abraham…
Do not forget what happened to Joseph…, and then it will tell a story about Joseph…
The Koran often reports the same events or stories with variant wording and in different dimensions.
While the Koran maybe a mysterious and complicated scripture to interpret, at least one of its messages is abundantly clear.In verse after verse, the Koran warns of an inevitable apocalypse. The Koran is very emphatic and explicit about is that the world will come to an end. And repeatedly insists for humanity will be forced to atone for its actions on earth.
The Koran is not shy about explaining the explicit punishments that people will suffer in hell fire. The descriptions of the hell and heaven are some of the most striking passages in the Koran.
The Koran in its original Arabic dress has a seductive beauty. Muslims easily weeps on hearing intoned verses from the Koran.It is considered as series of revelations in a complex narrative structure.It provides some parameters, and let the intelligence and judgment that extract the details.In short,the Koran is a sourcebook for life, for moral guidance.